1.The Parent-Child Relationship # 5
Arranging for their marriage to a suitable apouse: As if giving all manner of basic needs and education is not enough, children even expect parents to give approval (or otherwise) when in doubt about who to marry
Lost Buddha Amulets, Family of Divorce
Her mother had as many as 8 operations and on her last operation, her doctor predicted that she would not live longer than 2 years. Her mother got a chance to come to Dhammakaya Temple and did lots of merits. Surprisingly, she is still living and healthy. What merit causes this? And, why did many of her family members experience separation or divorce? DMC has the answers...
When a woman is raped, or suffers from German measles during her pregnancy, possibly leading to a disability to the baby when it is born, is the abortion of a necessary nature sinful?
I’d like to ask you about necessary abortions. For example, when a woman is raped, or suffers from German measles during her pregnancy, possibly leading to a disability to the baby when it is born, is the abortion of a necessary nature sinful or not?
ผังจราจร โครงการธรรมยาตรา ปีที่ 13 ณ อนุสณ์สถานคลองบางนางแท่น
ผังจราจรจุดประทีป - ตักบาตร โครงการธรรมยาตรา ปีที่ 13 วันที่ 10-11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2568 ณ อนุสณ์สถานคลองบางนางแท่น อ.สามพราน จ.นครปฐม
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering # 2
Thus the Lord Buddha taught that if we can overcome our greedy attachments to the things we love in the world, craving can be overcome too
Just a Dream or The Truth
She has a weird dream for more than 10 years, someone always came and made love to her. Sometimes she frequently had this dream. Sometimes it happened once a week and sometimes once a month. , is that just a dream or is it true? Was her behavior in the dream breaking the Third Precept? DMC has the answers...
The 6th V-Star Challenge Day 2012
Another day for children who love to do good deeds. We call them "V-Star Children."
How DMC has influenced people around the world?
How DMC has influenced or positively changed people around the world?
โฆษกคณะศิษยานุศิษย์วัดพระธรรมกายเตรียมแถลงท่าทีหลังมีข่าว DSI แจ้งความดำเนินคดี
นายองอาจ ธรรมนิทา โฆษกคณะศิษยานุศิษย์วัดพระธรรมกาย เตรียมแถลงท่าที หลังมีข่าวกรมสอบสวนคดีพิเศษ (DSI) ได้ไปแจ้งความดำเนินคดี ในข้อหายุยง ปลุกปั่น...